Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Retro Clothing and style cought my eye when i seen it for the first time with the bright colors and and late 80's clothing. The first time i seen retro clothing was on tv i saw a group of people called the retro kidz and i was quickly inspired by them.

thats how i started dressing the way i do now,with the skinny jeans and sports track jackets and snap back hats and jordans everything from the 80's.

people might say its weird and laugh but it dosent bother me because i dont want to dress like anyone else i like to be my own person and dress the way i do even if people dont like it.

But retro clothing is really a movement... i see people laugh in one place and then they ask me another day where i get my clothes from,den they wanna start dressing like me i also like to tell people how fresh it is and put the idea into someones head and then people will dress like me and i would have a group of people who are just like me and pass the movement.

retro clothing is sopposed to remind the people of how fun the 80's and early 90's was and there great style.

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